Tuesday, July 10, 2018

How to find a great Android for buy.

The newest phone is coming in the market constantly And from the phone itself, choosing the right phone for yourself is a really difficult task.


At one time, there was so much of a common camera phone. But it is 8-10 years ago. Nowadays smartphones are seen to be using a lot of powerful cameras. It is important to keep a special focus on the camera sensor, image processor, aperture, lens, etc., due to good or bad camera. Now dual cameras are being used on many phones. It really comes with a lot of good pictures. So if you want to buy, you can take dual cameras.


According to the smartphone configuration, it is very necessary to have the right power battery Smartphones currently have 4000 to 6 thousand mAh battery. Keep in mind, the higher the battery's mAh, the better and the more backup can be found. The minimum phone will have 3,500mAh battery, but if 4 thousand or 4,500mAh is better and if it is more than words!


Smartphone display is such a part; Where we spend most of the time. There is a good quality display with a good quality phone. According to the current requirements, the display resolution of the phone must be in resolution HD (720P or 1280x720), but it is better to have a full HD (1080p or 1920x1080).


The life of any smartphone is processor. The majority of the issues depends on how good or bad your phone is on the processor. If you are thinking of buying a high budget smartphone, you should look at the latest processors in the market. Currently Qualcomm Snapdragon 835, 821, Samsung's Exxon 8890, MediaTech Heilo X20 etc. is a very good quality processor. Snapdragon 410 or MediaTek processors are commonly seen in low budget phones.


Today, it is necessary to have 2 GB of RAM on any phone. Carina requires a little more RAM to run new operating systems and new apps. Again, if you have 2 GB RAM on the phone then you can use 2 GB, but not the same. The operating system and the internal internal processes of the phone always occupy half or more RAM. Nowadays, 3-4 GB of RAM is available on the budget phone of 15-20 thousand and there are phones up to 6-8 GB of RAM.

Buy a brand phone?

Chinese brands such as Shawumi, One Plus, Miju etc. make a great quality phone. They are available from low ranges to high budget, and phones are really good and durable. And my personal experience should never buy the mid-budget Samsung phone.

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